Summer’s peak, our bounty

As the heat of the summer picks up, so does the farm’s production. During the first couple weeks of July we’ve seen a tremendous boom in vegetables, including the start of our cucumber, zucchini, and summer squash harvest; an explosion of string beans; the appearance of tiny melons; and green tomatoes approaching the edge of ripeness. This is one of the most exciting parts of the season — our hard work is being paid off and we get to be creative with how we enjoy our produce!

Some of the best meals can be put together this time of year. As zucchini start fattening up, do not be intimidated by their size; instead, remember that you can make delicious, sweet zucchini bread! Green beans serve as a crunchy snack when raw, can be sautéed with garlic or a favorite sauce, or can be brightened up with a tangy vinaigrette. And, you might find beets and mint to be a tongue-pleasing combination, enhanced by salty feta cheese and tossed together in a chilled salad (but don’t forget: save those beet greens! They are delicious when cooked with garlic and oil).

Last week we brought a donation of lettuce, kale, and carrots to Grandma’s Pantry in Waltham, which provides senior citizens with free food. We will continue donations to local organizations throughout the summer and fall.

As always, please stop by the farm to check out our beautiful plants, email us with any questions, and keep updated by following this page and our Facebook page (Brandeis Farmers Club). We hope you are enjoying July’s produce as much as we are!

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