Green Roofs

Green Roofs

Green roof are rooftop spaces retrofitted with a vegetative layer. Green roofs provide a layer of insulation for buildings in cold and hot weather, ultimately reducing energy usage and the urban heat island effect. They soak up water from rainstorms, lessening the impacts from storm water runoff. Most importantly, green roofs expand habitat space and offer a refuge for people and animals in a newly green, revitalized space.

For more information, visit

Also check out Ford’s awesome green roof:

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Table defines sustainable agriculture as “the production of food, fiber, and or other plant and animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities and animal welfare.” Our Rooftop Farm localizes the Brandeis community’s food consumption and thus minimizes the community’s greenhouse gas consumptions. Additionally, we don’t use pesticides and herbicides on the Rooftop Farm. To learn more about sustainable agriculture, visit:


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